Make people's future healthier



Just take a photo! Easy eating app

Asken is a dietary record / improvement app for those who want to diet / be healthy. You can record your dietary habits and calculate nutrition simply by taking pictures of your meals using the food image identification AI.

AI Dietitian

As soon as you record your diet, nutrition calculations and advice are displayed. The advice that combines the know-how of dietary professionals with professional dietitians and AI technology will help change user behavior.

Keep it fun! Mechanism to encourage continuation

There are plenty of mechanisms to encourage habitualization, such as a diary where users encourage each other and cheer (support) e-mails that receive encouragement from a registered dietitian.



As a result, word-of-mouth communication such as "I got clean!" And "I improved the results of my health examination" has spread, and Asken has more than 3 million members worldwide.


In the Apple App Store and Google Play healthcare categories, we have maintained the top-ranked sales rankings (1st to 3rd) for several years.


It will be deployed not only in Japan but also in North America from 2017. Overseas, the average review score is 4.7 on iOS and 4.5 on Android.


What our company is


Corporate name

asken inc.


Tokyo Opera City Tower 42 Fl. 3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-1442 Japan


Hiroshi Nakajima


Oct.1, 2007

Paid-in capital

95,000,000 Yen


running the “asken” app and its related services for better dietary and healthcare management

Parent company

Green House Co., Ltd.(100%-owned)


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